
Original Red Coral Vs Lab Created Red Coral

Original Vs Lab Created Red Coral Gemstone


Red coral, with its vibrant hue and mystic allure, has captivated people for centuries. Whether adorned as jewelry or used for its supposed metaphysical properties, red coral remains a popular choice among gemstone enthusiasts. But when it comes to choosing between original red coral and lab-created red coral, which one should you go for? Let’s dive into the world of these fascinating stones and explore their differences, benefits, and everything in between.

Understanding Original Red Coral

Natural Formation of Red Coral

Original red coral, also known as precious coral, is formed by marine organisms in the ocean. These corals build their skeletons over many years, resulting in the stunning red branches we often see. It’s a natural wonder, taking hundreds of years to form.

Geographic Locations of Natural Red Coral

Natural red coral is primarily found in the Mediterranean Sea, around Italy and Sardinia, and in the Pacific Ocean near Japan and Taiwan. These regions are known for producing high-quality red coral that is sought after globally.

Characteristics of Original Red Coral

Original red coral has a distinct deep red color, though it can range from light pink to deep red. It often has natural inclusions and a waxy luster. Each piece is unique, reflecting the organic process of its formation.

Understanding Lab Created Red Coral

What is Lab Created Red Coral?

Lab created red coral, also known as synthetic red coral, is man-made, designed to mimic the appearance and properties of natural red coral. It’s created in controlled environments using various processes.

How Lab Created Red Coral is Made

Lab created red coral is typically made by combining calcium carbonate with other minerals and dyes to achieve the desired color and texture. This process can take weeks to months, significantly shorter than the centuries required for natural red coral.

Characteristics of Lab Created Red Coral

Lab created red coral is often more uniform in color and lacks the natural inclusions found in its natural counterpart. It has a similar appearance but can be distinguished upon closer inspection.

Visual Differences Between Original and Lab Created Red Coral

Color and Texture

Original red coral tends to have a richer, more varied color with natural patterns, while lab created red coral is often more consistent in hue. The texture of natural coral is also more complex due to its organic formation.

Natural Inclusions

Natural red coral contains inclusions and growth lines that are absent in lab created versions. These inclusions are a hallmark of authenticity and add to the uniqueness of each piece.

Visual Inspection Tips

To distinguish between the two, look for inconsistencies and inclusions in the coral. Natural red coral will have imperfections that lab created coral typically lacks.

Chemical Composition and Physical Properties of Red Coral (Original vs Lab-Created)

Comparison of Chemical Composition

Both original and lab-created red coral are primarily composed of calcium carbonate, but natural red coral includes trace elements from the ocean that synthetic versions do not have.

Hardness and Durability

Natural red coral has a Mohs hardness of 3.5, making it relatively soft. Lab created red coral can vary in hardness depending on the manufacturing process, but it generally aims to replicate the durability of natural coral.

Response to Environmental Factors

Original red coral can fade over time when exposed to sunlight and chemicals. Lab created red coral may be more resistant to these factors due to its controlled production process.

Market Value and Economic Impact Red Coral (Original vs Lab-Created)

Pricing Differences

Original red coral is typically more expensive due to its rarity and the lengthy formation process. Lab created red coral is more affordable, making it accessible to a broader audience.

Market Demand and Availability

The demand for natural red coral remains high, but supply is limited. Lab created red coral meets market demands where natural resources fall short, offering a sustainable alternative.

Investment Value

Original red coral holds higher investment value, often appreciated by collectors and jewelers. Lab created red coral, while valuable, does not command the same premium.

Ethical and Environmental Considerations

Sustainability Issues with Original Red Coral

Harvesting natural red coral can harm marine ecosystems and contribute to coral depletion. Ethical concerns arise from the environmental impact of coral extraction.

Environmental Impact of Lab Created Red Coral

Lab created red coral is more environmentally friendly, as it does not involve harvesting from the ocean. Its production minimizes ecological disruption.

Ethical Choices for Consumers

Choosing lab created red coral can be seen as an ethical choice, supporting sustainable practices and reducing pressure on natural coral reefs.

Healing and Metaphysical Properties

Beliefs Surrounding Original Red Coral

Many believe that original red coral has powerful metaphysical properties, such as enhancing courage, boosting energy, and offering protection.

Metaphysical Properties of Lab Created Red Coral

Lab created red coral is said to carry similar properties, although some purists argue that natural red coral’s energy cannot be replicated.

Comparative Analysis of Energetic Qualities

While both types are valued for their metaphysical benefits, personal beliefs often influence the perceived effectiveness of natural versus lab created red coral.

Certification and Authenticity

How to Authenticate Original Red Coral

Certification from reputable gemological labs can verify the authenticity of natural red coral. Look for documentation when purchasing.

Certification for Lab Created Red Coral

Lab created red coral can also be certified, ensuring buyers know what they are purchasing and its origins.

Importance of Certification

Certification protects consumers from fraud and guarantees the quality and authenticity of the coral, whether natural or synthetic.

Choosing Between Original and Lab Created Red Coral

Factors to Consider

Consider your budget, ethical stance, and intended use. Natural red coral is ideal for investment and traditional uses, while lab created coral suits those seeking affordability and sustainability.

Personal Preferences and Needs

Your preference for natural inclusions and uniqueness versus uniformity and environmental consciousness will guide your choice.

Practical Tips for Buyers

Research sellers, request certifications, and understand the market value to make an informed purchase.

Care and Maintenance of Red Coral

Maintaining Original Red Coral

Keep natural red coral away from harsh chemicals, sunlight, and extreme temperatures. Clean it gently with a soft cloth.

Care Tips for Lab-Created Red Coral

Lab created red coral requires similar care but may be slightly more resistant to environmental damage. Avoid abrasive cleaning methods.

Longevity and Preservation

Both types can last for years with proper care, but natural red coral may require more attention to preserve its beauty.

Common Myths and Misconceptions

Myths About Original Red Coral

Some believe natural red coral can cure ailments, which lacks scientific evidence. It’s important to appreciate it for its beauty and cultural significance.

Misconceptions About Lab Created Red Coral

A common misconception is that lab created coral is inferior. In reality, it offers a sustainable and affordable alternative with similar aesthetic qualities.

Clarifying the Facts

Educate yourself on the true properties and benefits of both types to make an informed decision based on facts, not myths.

Personal Stories and Testimonials

Experiences with Original Red Coral

Many wearers of natural red coral share stories of enhanced confidence and personal growth, attributing these changes to the stone’s energy.

Stories from Users of Lab Created Red Coral

Users of lab created red coral often praise its affordability and environmental benefits, noting no significant difference in their experiences.

Lessons Learned

Both types have their place and value. Personal experiences vary, highlighting the importance of choosing what resonates with you.

Future Trends in Red Coral Usage

Technological Advancements

Advances in lab creation techniques promise even more realistic and durable synthetic corals in the future.

Predicted Market Trends

The market for lab created red coral is expected to grow as awareness of sustainability increases.

Innovations in Lab Creation

Ongoing research may lead to new methods that further enhance the quality and appeal of lab created red coral.


Both original and lab created red coral have their unique advantages and considerations. Whether you choose the natural allure of original red coral or the sustainable appeal of lab created options, understanding their differences helps you make an informed decision. Consider your values, budget, and personal preferences as you explore the captivating world of red coral.


  1. How can I tell if my red coral is genuine?
    • Look for natural inclusions, variations in color, and seek certification from reputable sources.
  2. Is lab created red coral as durable as natural red coral?
    • Lab created red coral is designed to be durable, often matching the hardness and resilience of natural red coral.
  3. Are there any significant benefits to choosing lab created over natural red coral?
    • Lab created red coral is more affordable, environmentally friendly, and readily available compared to natural red coral.
  4. Can lab created red coral have the same metaphysical properties as natural red coral?
    • Many believe lab created red coral shares similar metaphysical properties, though this can be subjective.
  5. What should I look for when buying red coral?
    • Consider certification, color consistency, natural inclusions (for natural coral), and the reputation of the seller.